As a teenager Chelsee Healey was afraid to take her top off even in front of a boyfriend.
But, fast forward a few years and with a £3,000 investment in her appearance, the Strictly Come Dancing star is happy to flaunt her chest on national television.
Chelsee, 23, is among stars on the show who've come under fire for wearing skimpy outfits during their performances.

Thrilled: Chelsee Healey was ashamed of her 'droopy boobs' before she went under the knife
The actress, who appears on Waterloo Road, flew to a Marbella-based surgery to have her cosmetic procedure.
And she raided her trust fund to pay for the operation, which boosted her chest from a C-cup to a 32DD.
She told Now magazine: 'I'd hated my boobs for as long as I can remember. I'm naturally outgoing, but in this area I lacked self-esteem. By the time I was 19, I was desperate to change. I took £3,000 from a trust fund my dad had set up for me. I knew I'd never be happy until I got the shape I wanted.'
Ashamed of her saggy boobs, it wasn't until her friends pushed her to go for it in 2007 after a holiday to Puerto Rico, that Chelsee finally went to Spain and under the knife.

Proud of her assets: Chelsee Healey pushes her chest out at the Inside Soap Awards - she spent £3,000 on her 32DD boobs
Now over the moon with her new chest, she is often seen wearing low cut tops.
She told Now: 'I'm thrilled with them. They're round, firm and perfect and now I'm happy to show them off.'
However, Chelsee has come under fire on the BBC dancing show for her revealing outfits.
After receiving a few nasty comments on Twitter, she said: 'I was happy with the outfit, but if you come out dressed like that it can make a bad first impression.
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