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Internet Copyright Infringement Solicitors ACS Law UK and MediaCAT Shut Down − ISPreview UK

Saturday, 5 February 2011
Internet Copyright Infringement Solicitors ACS Law UK and MediaCAT Shut Down − ISPreview UK: "The controversial UK solicitors firm ACS:Law (Andrew Crossley) and its intermediary MediaCAT, which made their money by 'bullying' customers of broadband ISPs (e.g. PlusNet , Sky Broadband etc.) with dubious settlement demands ('speculative invoicing') for alleged 'illegal' (i.e. unlawful) copyright P2P file sharing activity, have both 'ceased trading' and thus dodged a critical court decision.

The not unexpected move, which according to TorrentFreak officially occurred on 31st January 2011, came ahead of a crucial ruling in the London Patents County Court by Judge Birss QC, which many believed would go against the firm and possibly even place a ban upon further letter writing. The failed attempt to sue 27 individuals, which has backfired spectacularly, would have had serious implications for others pursuing a similar avenue.

ACS:Law was also awaiting a Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) over the threatening letters and wider questions about their general conduct. However none of this had, until now, stopped them from sending the letters."


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